Thursday, March 10, 2011

Discovering our hidden singing ... talent?

When Jim and I became parents, we also tapped into our inner songwriter.

Now, after six months, I can humbly say that we are accomplished balladeers. Turns out, we can sing about almost ANYTHING!

At first, I stuck to the classics.

I rocked Scott to sleep when he was just weeks old, singing softly as I held him. (Okay, I whispered, because I am completely tone deaf and didn't want to scar the kid for life.)

But it worked like a charm. He would curl up, look at me dreamily and doze off as I sang
Baby of Mine, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star and the Wheels on the Bus. All were favorites and on constant rotation.

But now that Scott is a bit older, he wants to be entertained. And we've quickly learned that making exaggerated faces while using a sing-songy voice yields huge smiles.

I first noticed it when I was prepping him for a bath. He'd be fussy because he was tired and it was close to bedtime. But as soon as I started singing, "It's Baaath-time! Baaath-time! Oh yeah, it's Baaath-time! We're gonna splash splash splash!" he broke out into the biggest grin, kicking and squealing and laughing.

So now we do it every night.

I expanded my vast musical repertoire in the past month when Scott got sick. Jim and I have to take these saline wipes (Boogie Wipes) to his nose several times a day to gently coax the gunk out.

Scott hates it and twists and turns. Unless, of course, we sing to him while we do it. "Boogie boogie boogie. I am going to get your boogie. We're going to get the boogie. Boogie Boogie Boo. "

Okay, so I am not lyricist. But it works for my son. And its apparently catching. I was getting ready for a doctor's appointment yesterday morning and heard Jim singing in the nursery. About the contents of our son's diaper.
Don't worry, I won't share details.

But suffice it to say: We can -- and will -- sing about anything. Those kids on American Idol ain't got nothing on us.

Seriously? You're singing again?

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