Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Channeling Linus and his blanket

Scott has a new infatuation.
It goes by many names... lovie, snuggle buddy, security blanket.

I was first alerted to his desire to play with such an item by his teachers at daycare, who requested I bring in more of his soft burp clothes because he was becoming so attached to them at naptime.

Sure enough, I gave him one on the way home from "school" and he clutched it with both hands, falling fast asleep before I even hit the 51 freeway.

When I got back to the house, I remembered that Grandma Kathy had given him two snuggly blanket animals when she came to visit in January. They'd sat untouched for two months, with Scott paying scant attention to them.

But the second I handed him the super, super soft plush blanket with little teddy bear head, a new obsession was born. Now he lights up with a huge smile whenever we hand it to him.

The snuggle buddy has come in very handy this past week, as Scott has been teething, and has been very sick with bronchiolitis (a respiratory condition that is characterized by labored breathing and wheezing, caused by the RSV virus).
Both conditions have made for a VERY fussy baby.

But he curls up with the snuggle buddy at naptime and bedtime, and gnaws on the bear's head during the day.

Mr. Teddy Bear, your ears are perfect for soothing my sore gums.

It's actually kind of gross and drooly and full of germs at the moment. But Grandma Kathy was smart and thought ahead.

Being sick is no fun. But napping is better with my teddy bear snuggly.

We have "snuggle buddy #2" ready to go in the toybox. We're going to make a quick substitution this weekend and give "Snuggle buddy #1" a nice long bath in our washing machine.

I am standing in a super cool jumperoo, chewing on a soft blue bear, while daddy makes faces at me. My life rocks.

1 comment:

  1. Omg, I have two of these and haven't busted them out yet. But Ryan is teething now and loves to gnaw on rags and burp cloths, so I am totally introducing them out tonight. Thanks for the reminder!
