Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Ring bearer of the year

Scott has done a lot in his short life - not the least of which is help two lovely people say their vows and pledge the rest of their lives to each other.

Okay, so Tank didn't actually have a big role in the wedding ceremony between my youngest cousin, Katie, and her new husband, Ethan. (Who is a lovely person despite his lousy taste in football teams, by the way.)

But Scott did totally up the "cute" factor at their September nuptials.

He was one of three kids in the wedding (and had serious competition for the "cute" award from his cousin, Peyton, aka, most adorable flower girl ever, and his second cousin, Logan, aka, super cute, suave, and -- not to mention -- much more mobile ring bearer.)

Scott, with mommy and daddy, before the ceremony.

Peyton, getting some bear hug love from Logan.

Together, the three little people prompted many oohs and aahs from the crowd, and also provided quite a bit of levity with their antics. You can read all about Peyton's flower girl escapades at my sister's blog, but suffice it to say between the tripping, the mid-ceremony snacking, the random shouts of "cheese!" whenever a photographer got close, Scott and his father playing "rawrrr" and Logan wandering the center aisle with a pillow in his face, it was quite the event.

Yes, Logan, I think now is the perfect time for a munchie break.

Fortunately for all parties, the bride and groom took it all in stride, and looked gorgeous to boot.

Scott allowed his mommy to carry him up and then back down the aisle after the ceremony, with minimal fuss, and put on his best serious face.

After the vows, it was time to party. And for Scott, that meant rockin' a pair of blue and red fire engine jammies. He played with mommy, sat next to daddy at dinner, stayed up way past his bedtime, ate his weight in chicken fingers and french fries and had an altogether great time.

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