Saturday, September 3, 2011

Embracing the sippy

Sadly, I have neglected my poor little blog these past weeks.
August has been crazy - and being in the final days of the big countdown to Scott's 1st Birthday hasn't helped. For those keeping track...we're one week away. It's crunch time people.

But lest you all think Scott has failed to provide me with material for a new's a brief update:

About three months ago Jim and I took the big step of introducing our Tank to the sippy cup, based on our pediatrician's recommendation. She warned he might not take to it right away, but said giving it to him early -- with a bit of water at meal and snack times -- might allow him to get used to it slowly.

Slowly, as it turned out, was an understatement. Turtles grasp new tasks more quickly. Of course, in Tank's case, I think it was pure stubborness.

Scott was quick to drink out of the cup, but only if Jim or I held it up to his mouth. If left to his own devices, he flung the sippy over his head, across the room, or used it as a makeshift drum/noisemaker on his high chair tray.

Weeks passed. We spent a small fortune on learner cups, cups with straws, cups with handles, cups without straws and without handles, cups shaped like bottles. At one point I think we had seven different sippys in the house.

If one didn't work, I put it in the back of the cabinet, and tried another - usually to no avail.

As Scott approached his first birthday, our desire to get him to even TRY to use the sippy cup increased. With daycare moving him to the toddler room, it became even more urgent to make some marked progress - Tank is the youngest one there, and the only one still using the bottle.

So like all good mommies these days, I turned to social networking. The general consensus on Facebook was to either switch him cold turkey or try a sippy with a soft/silicone spout, since that is most similar to the bottle.

As luck would have it, we had one - back from when we first bought out the sippy cup store. I gave it to Scott, and he instantly threw his head back and drank -- like a natural.
Fast forward a week, and he now routinely downs 5 oz of milk or water from one of three or four rotating cups with ease.

Yay Scott!

Of course...he still reverts occasionally.

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