Friday, January 28, 2011

School Days

When I got pregnant, one of my biggest projects was thinking ahead to the time when Jim and I would need to put Scott in daycare (or "baby storage") as my verbally-challenged husband called it.

As much as I wanted to stay home with Scott full-time, I knew it just wasn't feasible. And part of me knows that I need to get out of the house, to work, to interact with other adults. I am just not ready to give up my career.

So the search for an appropriate daycare began. I looked online, asked friends for recommendations, researched the cost of a private nanny (Note: WAAAY expensive) and spent hours scouring the Department of Health Services website (its the state agency that regulates child care centers). I ultimately eliminated 90 percent of the possibilities based on some of the scary things I read in those reports.

Jim and I decided we wanted Scott close to downtown so we would both be easily able to drop him off or pick him up. We finally settled on TutorTime after multiple visits. It's close to both of our offices and has an open-door policy that means I can stop in on my lunch hour or any other time that I want. It's also open until 6:30, which is helpful, given the regularity with which the Governor's Office issues news releases post 5 p.m.

But the fact that I had chosen this facility didn't make it any easier the first time I had to actually leave my precious baby there. I dropped him off and then sat in the parking lot and cried for a good 10-15 minutes.

Fortunately, Scott has a great crew of teachers and he seems happy there. He smiles when he sees them in the morning. And he spends a lot of time curiously watching the other kids in his "class."

Checking out his friend Addison. She's always sick, though, so I am trying to discourage close contact. But she seems to really like our little Tank.

Scott and Miss Laura

But I'd be lying if I didn't say that I still have mixed feelings about daycare. I feel guilty sometimes leaving him with a bunch of strangers. I worry that no one - no matter how much experience they have or how kind they are - will take care of him like I would. They certainly won't love him like I do. But I also have started to see positive changes in Scott in just the short time he's been there. He sleeps better in his crib at night and during nap time, he can occupy himself with his toys for longer periods without needing us to entertain him. And I think, as he gets older, he will learn valuable socialization skills, how to share, and to develop the confidence that will allow him to comfortably be away from mommy and daddy for short periods of time.

And I love that his teachers, Miss Laura and Miss Bridget, are so willing to tailor activities to things that are important to me. The classroom had almost no books when I brought Scott I took several of his down to the school. Now his teachers read to him every day - just like I do at home - and every night I get a report card with details on what book was read, what major muscle development and motor skills Scott worked on...even how much he ate and when.

Playing with one of the many books in his classroom.

Floor time with Miss Laura and (from left to right) Dominick, Adam and Reyna.

Scott is still having trouble napping at daycare. It's just too bright and noisy, so he sleeps in 30 minute stretches, which means he is a very tired little boy when he gets home. But we're all adjusting to the new routine.

And I think he's learning to really really appreciate those special days when his Grandma(s) watch him, and the weekends when mommy and daddy dote on him from the time he gets up in the morning until he goes to sleep at night.

And yes...we're still waiting for the first daycare induced illness. Addison: please do not sneeze or cough on my son.


  1. Grandma reporting for spoiling duty anytime you'd like!

  2. Dearest Ginger,

    I am so so so happy that you choose a preschool where you and baby both feel comfortable. However, TUTOR TIME?!!?? :( haha, I am a school director at KinderCare and obviously am biased. I would love to chit chat about what you found out about KinderCare. Hope nothing but the best for the 2 of you!!!! :) PS - This is Megan Baciao, Justin's sister.
