Tuesday, April 3, 2012

The Great Communicator

Suddenly, Tank is a talking fool.

When we took him in for his 18 month checkup about three or so weeks ago, our pediatrician asked how many words he knew. I estimated roughly 12 and was surprised when she was so pleased.

"That's wonderful! Most of the time I hear 5 or 6. So if he knows 12 that's really, really good," she said.

I explained to her that he wasn't using all of them with regularity. A couple he repeated once or twice and then we didn't hear them again for days. 

In terms of frequency, Scott's vocabulary consisted of: juice, Elmo (funny how that came in at #2), mama, da-day, bye-bye, no, milk, dog, down, all done, ball, and more. 

Our doctor said that by his two year checkup he'd probably know 150 or 200 words.

No way, was my immediate thought.

But now I can see how its possible - even likely. Words are suddenly pouring out of Scott's mouth. It's as if they've been stored up in his little head for 18 months, waiting for a chance to come out. He's saying "plane" "choo-choo" "poop" and this weekend uttered his first two-syllable words - "anana" (banana) and "bubbles."

He's also starting to pair more them together more frequently. First it was, "oh no nooo!" whenever he dropped something or spilled his juice.

He's said, "bye bye daddy," and when we drove into our garage after a 3 hour roadtrip, he looked at me and said, "bye bye car."

And I can actually - kind of - have a conversation with him at dinner. I offered him more chicken and got a shake of the head and "noo." I offered him yogurt and again got a "nooo." 

When I asked him what he wanted, he hesitated, looked around and then pointed and said, "milk!"

How freakin' cool is that?

I've got SOOO much to say!!!

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